måndag 29 september 2014

Engelska - Letter to the editor

No to zoos!!

I think holding animals captive in a zoo is completely wrong and inhuman!
Animals are taken away from their natural habitat to get stared at through a cage net by people who pay.

Then they spend their entire life in a cage, getting food without having to hunt. When the animals at last get too old, they are simply released back into the wilderness, without knowing how to survive.
Yanking animals out of the ecosystem actually causes more dead animals in the area,
let´s say Animal 1 is the food of Animal 2, so when Animal 1 is captured for the zoo, Animal 2 starves to its death.

A solution to this problem would be safaris.They are a much better idea than zoos, because people who want to watch rare animals can do jut that, and not only that, but also in their natural habitat.

Ian Holmer, 13, Lund

torsdag 25 september 2014

Kensukes rike - Illustration

Michael ser på oljetankern när den glider förbi på horisonten, utan att kunna kontakta den på något vis.

Kensukes rike - Illustration

Michael ser på oljetankern när den glider förbi på horisonten, utan att kunna kontakta den på något vis.